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- Ich hasse es,früh am Morgen aufzuwachen.
- Ich hasse es,mein Bett jeden Morgen zu machen.
- Und folglich krieche ich gern wiederhinein,wo ich war.
- Ich bin eine schreckliche Köchin.
- Ich kann für dunkle Schokolade und KäseKuchen sterben.
- Ich habe eine sehr hohe Alkohol-Toleranz.
- Ich habe auch eine hohe Schmerzschmelle,ich habe vier piercings in jedem ohr.
- Ich liebe Wodka und Rum cocktail-mixturen ich mache (ausschlieβlich für mich).
- Ich habe ein Lied,um mich an jede besondere Person in mienem Leben zu erinnern.
- Ich habe eine Leidenschaft für Schawrz und Purpur und diese Farben beherrschen meine Garderobe.
- Ich liebe Hügel und will ein paar jahre an einer vergessene Ecke des Kanchenjunga verbringen.
- Ich bin eine an Schlaflosigkeit Leidende.
- Ich habe immer einen Lieblingshund gewünscht aber nie einen bekommen.
- Ich bin sehr impulsiv und denke nie bevor ich etwas mache.
- Müsik hält mich am Leben,tag aus tag ein.
15 random things about me- I hate to get up early in the morning.
- I hate to make my bed every morning.
- And consequently like crawling into it the way i left it.
- I am a terrible cook
- I can die for dark chocolate and cheesecake.
- I have a very high Alcohol tolerance.
- I also have a very high pain threshold,i have four piercings in each ear.
- I love the vodka and rum concoctions that i make(strictly for myself though!!)
- I have a song to remember every special person in my life by.
- I have an obsession for black and purple and these colors rule my wardrobe.
- I love the hills and will spend a few years in some forgotten corner of the Kanchenjunga.
- I am an Insomniac.
- I have always wanted a pet dog but never got one!!
- I am very impulsive and never think before doing something.
- Music keeps me alive,day in day out. :)
okay the reasons why i haven't been blogging are lame but i just can't help them:1)i was on vacation with my folks in shantiniketan for poila boishak :-) more on that later.2)its 42.5 degrees in kolkata and powercuts, i've pretty much lost it !!3)i've been sulking a bit too much or maybe the dry spell lasted too long this time.4)i'm tired of all the "what's wrong with you?"s from every living creature i know.....5)i've been stuck with my deutsch classes and i promise you guys a post in deutsch shortly !and the worst of them all,6)IT has hit me again,to be or not to be?to tell or not to tell?do i or don't i?all because i can't get over IT.Haven't i said enough?? get lost !!!
To the time that passes me by...There were the good times.The bad times.And you.There was the adolescence,with or without the loneliness....and you.There were the long sweaty summer afternoons,the feeling down,and the careless scribbles across the pages.....and there was you.The playing guitar in the neighborhood,stolen tunes and stolen lyrics....and you.The falling in love for the millionth time,and the dull Grey sky becoming beautiful all of a sudden...and you.The usual morning jog;on those terrible days when i was disillusioned that i needed to lose weight. That one-sided soul-searching,intimate conversations, whatever on the roof....and you.That horrible day when college got over and i left the city,rebelling over depression and neck-deep in vodka....and the thought that i would never see you again.The bad days at work.Screaming and taking it out on the road that i walk on.Mindlessly tossing coins at the street urchins and advising them to go to school.....they would just blink and run away.Getting claustrophobic at home with mom,dad and rest of the paraphernalia and breaking down on the bathroom floor....and you.If there's anyone who's brought me everything I'd ever cherished,it's been you.So this goes out to most unusual friend.
I am back to a world where some questions have answers and some remain but open ended statements.
I was hit by a profound reality today when the girlfriend of a so-called friend called me up to ask me to stop talking to or messaging him.I complied without a word.
She continued to say “I knew you would understand” and then hung up.
I did understand.Life has it’s weird ways.That too a day before my b’day when I wanted to call them both over for dinner.
It just left me wondering about fragility of such inconsequential relationships.
Nevertheless Life is a positive streak,an obtrusive flash of light.I have pushed myself over the edge at times when it’s been hard.I forced myself to believe that hope is not just a four-letter word, that it implies so much more.
Right now,I’m sorting my life out,trying to find the missing pieces of the puzzle before I shift to Delhi in July. A paradigm shift from my present field of study,a colossal load of work,the pressure to prove myself……it’s making me jittery already.
I guess I am addicted to obsessing. I ALWAYS have a Current Obsession. At the moment its my internship with NDTV.Broadcast journalism is a lot of responsibility I feel. I already feel responsible for not bringing persistent and significant changes to my society, my environment and my country for these 23 years that I have walked on Earth. I admit I’m scared.Scared of it all,homesickness,nuclear living,strange cities and strange deceitful faces,the weight of consequences and choices that I have always made on my own. My jaded and inconvenient reality.